More information
- Desenvolupador: SOCIOEMPRENDE S.L and Nabelia
- Cost: Free
- Versió revisada: 3.9.11 (iOS), (Android)
- Data revisió: 07/23/2021 (Google Play), 03/31/2022 (App Store)
- Marc de referència: Distinctive AppSaludable / Clínic Hospital / Gregorio Marañón Hospital
- Speciality: Oncology
- Adreçat a: Patient
Addressed to: Patient
eOncoSalud is a help and support tool for self-control and evolutionary follow-up of the patient with antineoplastic treatments that also has remote supervision systems by the Hospital’s health professionals.
The use of this application requires access codes that will be given to you at the Pharmacy service of the Gregorio Marañón University Hospital or the Hospital Clinic Universitari de Barcelona.
- The main features offered by eOncoSalud are:
- -SCHEDULE. In daily and monthly format, it alerts you to tasks and allows you to record scheduled activity (taking medications, check-ups and appointments).
- -TREATMENT: eOncoSalud is a tool to help you manage your pharmacological treatment, allowing you to plan and validate the taking of drugs at all times. From the application you can also add other drugs and treatments. It contains information, photographs, leaflets and recommendations on drug treatment, as well as precautions to take and information on possible interactions.
- -SELF-CONTROL. This module allows you to periodically control the main biometrics, such as weight, blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, etc. It also includes records of general condition, pain control and other evaluation and therapeutic compliance questionnaires. In some groups of patients, it will be integrated with a heart rate monitor via Bluetooth connection to control heart rate and blood pressure (in users affected by certain heart diseases).
- -SYMPTOMS and ADVERSE EFFECTS. The patient has a specific protocol for action in the event of symptoms or decompensations. Once an adverse effect is registered, eOncoSalud will ask and guide you based on your responses. It allows inserting images and multimedia files, especially interesting in skin alterations.
- -COMMUNICATIONS. The patient and the professional have a powerful internal message module to improve communication for remote monitoring and follow-up.
- All the information that is entered in the application is registered in a cloud space called “personal folder”, hosted on secure servers and accessible via the web both by the user -patient- and by their professional or authorized doctor. This folder allows evaluating the evolution over time and sharing it as a record of the patient’s self-monitoring history.