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  • Desenvolupador: Andalusian School of Public Health
  • Cost: Free
  • Versió revisada: 1.0 (iOS), 1.0 (Android)
  • Data revisió: 05/16/2021 (Google Play), 05/16/2021 (App Store)
  • Marc de referència: Andalusian School of Public Health
  • Speciality: Angiology
  • Adreçat a: Patient, Health Professional, Student, Carer

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Addressed to: Patient, Caring staff, Health professionals, Student

Patients, health professionals, students, carers

CuidaVen® is aimed at health professionals and students who work in the care of venous devices (VD): doctors, nurses and nursing assistant care technicians. It is also aimed at adults, pediatrics and newborns with DV, as well as their families and caregivers.

The main objective of CuidaVen® is to reduce the complications associated with the use of VDs, improve the skills of nurses, promote Health Education and the Safety of people with VDs, and improve their Satisfaction, Knowledge and Quality of Life.


• List of Evidence-Based Care Recommendations on VD care both for adults and at the pediatric and neonatal level, describing the level of evidence and grade of recommendation (GRADE) and bibliographic references.
• Access to training videos on the care and management of different VDs (CPC, PICC, Midline, PORT and CICC due to hemodialysis).
• Evaluation of adherence of professionals to these recommendations in the form of verification questions (checklist).
• Bank of questions: a space to share knowledge about the care of VD.
• SAS pharmacotherapeutic guide identifying: ph, diluted ph, osmolarity, diluted osmolarity, reconstitution, reconstituted stability, dilution, diluted stability, routes of administration, administration time, observations, high-risk drugs and dangerous drugs.

• Offers information and care recommendations for people with VD, both for adults and at the pediatric and neonatal level.
• Makes available to these people different videos with information and care recommendations developed by nurses and involve them in their own safety.

CuidaVen® has been validated by several leading professionals in VD care (Ian Blanc, Gloria Ortiz, Javier García, Antonio Verduo, Rosario Ros and Isidro Manrique) and by the following scientific societies: FlebitisZero, gruMAVe and Seinav.