More information
- Cost: Free, offers in-app purchases
- Versió revisada: 2023.11.01 (Android), 2023.11.07 (IOS)
- Data revisió: 2/11/2023 (Google Play), 15/11/2023 (App Store)
- Marc de referència: UNICEF reviewed apps
- Speciality: Neurology, Language and communication, Functional diversity
- Adreçat a: Patients, Citizenship
Addressed to: Patient, Citizenship
Patients, Citizenship
CoughDrop is a simple, modern AAC support and communication tool that empowers the people and teams around them using a paid account. It is a premium, full-featured communication app created for people with autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, Angelman syndrome, Rett syndrome, or other complex communication needs. CoughDrop is flexible and configurable enough to work with the access and understanding needs of many communicators. CAUTION: CoughDrop can be installed without purchase, but a account is required to log in and functionality will be limited after the two-month trial period has ended.