More information
- Desenvolupador: Clínic Hospital of Barcelona
- Cost: Free
- Versió revisada: 1.0.1 (Android), 1.2 (iOS)
- Data revisió: 04/26/2018 (Google Play), 05/04/2018 (App Store)
- Marc de referència: Clínic Hospital of Barcelona
- Speciality: Information
- Adreçat a: Patient, Carer
Addressed to: Patient, Caring staff
Paciente, Cuidador
The application guides the user through more than 30,000 possible routes to reach 178 destinations at the Clínic Hospital of Barcelona. It offers special routes for people with reduced mobility, is available in several languages and is easy to maintain. In an environment where needs demand constant changes, the application can be updated quickly so that the user always has the latest information on their device.