More information
- Desenvolupador: Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
- Cost: Free
- Versió revisada: 1.3 (Android), 1.3 (iOS)
- Data revisió: 11/18/2021 (Google Play), 11/18/2021 (App Store)
- Marc de referència: Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
- Speciality: Information
- Adreçat a: Patient
Addressed to: Patient, Caring staff
The resources provided by the application are divided into:
Medical consultations. Consultation of all scheduled visits: face-to-face, phone or video.
Video visits. Access to teleconsultations through the scheduled list of consultations.
Health questionnaires. Access to assistance questionnaires prescribed by professionals.
Library. Acces documents adapted to the user’s care needs and interests.
Medication plan. Consultation of the treatment prescribed by the doctor and the current medication plan.
Care report. Access to hospital discharge and emergency reports, as well as diagnostic test reports.