CardioCity 112

Cardiology, Emergencies


More information

  • Desenvolupador: Innova B2b Solutions
  • Cost: Free
  • Versió revisada: 3.8 (Android), 2.5 (iOS)
  • Data revisió: 11/13/2019 (GooglePlay) , 10/11/2017 (App Store)
  • Marc de referència: Hospital Sant Pau
  • Speciality: Cardiology, Emergencies
  • Adreçat a: Citizen, Patient

Descarrega l’App

Addressed to: Patient, Citizenship

Patient, Citizen

It is an application that interacts between people who are facing a possible victim with cardiac arrest, who needs health care, and people trained in BLS and use of DEA, which are close to the victim, and that can help until the arrival of medical services (EMS). In any case these people trained in BLS and AED replace the Emergency Medical Services (EMS).

Once the application will automatically open the GPS will be activated and at the same time it should call 112 using the same mobile phone. Automatically and after calling 112 will be sent an SMS to all people trained and discharged as an “expert DEA” in this application and are within 1 Km. From the person making the call and will be the same that they will move to the victim showing on your device the shortest path and the place where the DEA in each city.