Arrels Localitzador


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  • Cost: Free
  • Versió revisada: Varies depending on device (Android), 3.0.1 (iOS)
  • Data revisió: 29/11/2023 (Google Play), 27/01/2020 (App Store)
  • Marc de referència: Taula del Tercer Sector / Fundació Arrels
  • Speciality: Habitatge, poverty and social inclusion
  • Adreçat a: Citizenship and professionals

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Addressed to: Citizenship, Professionals de l’àmbit social

Citizens and professionals

Thank you for collaborating. Remember that Arrels only works in Barcelona and that getting a person to define the carrer is not the easiest thing to do up to date. In this case, we will activate our teams and work on the search for other teams in the city to check whether the person is connected or not and find the best way to address the situation. The process is slow; per això, if the person continues for twenty to the race, it is not frustrating.