

More information

  • Desenvolupador: Pamdor Prolin S.L.
  • Cost: Free
  • Versió revisada: 2.1.1 (iOS), 2.0.1 (Android)
  • Data revisió: 02/13/2020 (Google Play), 06/23/2020 (App Store)
  • Marc de referència: Distinctive AppSaludable / iSYS Foundation
  • Speciality: Hematology
  • Adreçat a: Health professionals

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Addressed to: Medical staff, Health professionals

Health professional

The ACO Plus application is an assistant for doctors who carry out their professional work in Spain. The purpose of this app is to complement, without replacing, the work of the doctor in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with oral anticoagulation problems.

It offers treatment suggestions and access to a complete bibliography on the subject with articles commented by the medical team behind ACO Plus.

In this way, in a single space there is a tool that addresses training, communication and care aspects in relation to oral anticoagulation.

Four possible users:
1. Activators: they are in charge of activating users. Through the platform they send an email to the users with the registration code.
2. Doctors: main users of the application. They will have access to all the functionalities that ACO Plus offers once they receive the registration code from the activators.
3. Nurses: doctors will be able to give their nurses access to the application. They will be able to communicate with their doctor and his patients.
4. Patients: doctors will be able to give access to their patients to monitor them and have direct communication with them. Patients will be able to communicate with their doctor and the nurses associated with that doctor.

If you are a doctor and want to join ACO Plus, send an email to To register, you will be asked for: Full name, email, collegiate number and health center.