More information
- Desenvolupador: PEPID, LLC
- Cost: Free
- Versió revisada: 011623.0 (Android), 7.11 (iOS)
- Data revisió: 01/16/2023 (Google Play), 01/16/2023 (App Store)
- Marc de referència: American Academy of Emergency Medicine / Sanofi
- Speciality: Information
- Adreçat a: Health professionals
Addressed to: Health professionals
Health professionals
Application for evidence-based medicine and clinical information resources for point-of-care decision-making. The contents have been developed by mental health professionals and provides optimized functionality and access to Continuing Medical Education.
The PEPID for Android app also comes with hundreds of reference videos of clinical procedures and physical exams, as well as alerts that provide timely updates on topics like new research and drug approvals. Health institutions can share customized hospital protocols internally to promote uniformity and reduce fragmented care. All these new features will help improve results and reduce errors.
PEPID offers healthcare professionals all the necessary tools to care patients. With just a few taps, they can access the largest drug database on the market, medical calculators, high-resolution tablet photos, illustrations, and more.