The slogan for the 25th National Congress on Information Technology in Healthcare (InforSalud 2022) was...
The 44th World Hospital Congress held in Barcelona from 8 to 11 November brought together members of th...
The X-eHealth project will organize the eHealth from September 2022 onwards event, on the 29th and 30th...
The new paradigm generated by artificial intelligence in patient care will be the central theme of ...
On 2 September, the X-eHealth project was launched with a virtual kick-off meeting. This strategic pro...
HL7 International in collaboration with Audacious Inquiry, have started developing an HL7 FHIR based imp...
The TIC Salut Social Foundation in collaboration with the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Families...
The Interoperability area at the TIC Salut Social Foundation will continue working to guarantee the inte...
The Oficina d’Estàndards i Interoperabilitat [Office of Standards and Interoperability] (OFSTI) has r...
Interoperability in healthcare data is important for many reasons. LOINC plays an important part in thi...
Last May, a survey was sent to all LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes) users registe...
The final review of the Trillium 2 Project took place on 4 September in Luxembourg. It presented the def...
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